Social Media Marketing Tricks Learnt from an Agency

Social media marketing is a real thing that has touched an all new high when it comes to promoting one’s brand. Every brand worth its salt is now on social media and even tier two and tier three brands, including resellers, are making it a part of their business strategy. Twitter and Facebook as well as Pinterest are some of the most important platforms on which people choose to display information about their brand along with entertaining and season relevant posts. Here are a few tricks we learnt from a social media marketing agency!


Social Media Marketing


Choose Your Platform Well


  • There are many social media platforms, but not all of them may be suitable for you. You will need to choose your platform depending on your niche. For example, if you have a career counselling set up, then you may want to focus on LinkedIn, while an interior designing business will want to create a page on Pinterest and Facebook, each. Further, if you are an author and independent self-publisher, then Facebook and Twitter would be good choices along with YouTube for some videos of your book readings. But if you are into academic books, then you can also add LinkedIn to that list. Get the drift?


  • Create Engaging Content

The best thing about social media marketing which any agency will tell you, is that it depends on engagement and interaction, quite unlike any traditional form of advertising where one watches and the other dispenses. Here, you can actually create content that can spark a conversation in the comments section and lead people to share many times over, thus giving you that much more value for money. But here is the other side of the coin: you cannot merely create and post content, you will also need to reply to comments and engage your audience on a regular basis. This can also be handled by a professional social media marketing agency.


  • Keep it Relevant

Now this is a very important factor that so many brands do not really adhere to. It is imperative to stay in the news by bringing the news on to your page. You should use the current topics and festivals as hash tags and touch points for your creative images so that one will stay in the trending list and remain on the notifications. For example, let us say it is New Years and you create a post wishing your audience a happy new year with a image of your logo on one side and a client using your product, in the center. This makes it relevant and pitches your product in the best possible way.

With these three tips, you can either get your social media engine started on your own, or you can turn to other social media marketing agencies that will handle this aspect for you in a start to finish manner. Do plenty of research and find the best agency so that you get the virtual presence that you are looking for!