By using content writing services, Indian businesses can prosper like never before

With concepts like Make-In-India and Start-up India gaining popularity, the country is witnessing a very novel kind of industrial revolution. A lot of new businesses are starting up, and the established companies are also scaling up. After all, reaching the next level of revenue and profits is the core of all conglomerates. Moreover, the fundamental of raising profitability eventually demands to scale up the business inflow. Whether it is a product manufacturing corporate or a service-based organisation, the rule of demand and supply applies to all.


To raise the demand for your products or services, you need an excellent and efficient marketing strategy. In today’s digital world, websites, social media and newsletters are the mediums through which you can do marketing with much more efficiency than ever before.

What is the role of content?

With the current boom in content writing services, Indian businesses need to understand why content is crucial for effective marketing. When it comes to digital marketing, an essential factor that plays a role in all the mediums of digital marketing mentioned above is content. It is content that paints a vivid picture of your brand and business for your target audience, and prospective customers. Moreover, digital content is something which is shareable, which means that you can share it on other platforms including social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. The same content can be linked from other platforms as well, for example, a client of your business or a vendor of your company can have links to your content published on their digital platforms.

It hence becomes more imperative that you give utmost importance to the quality of the content that you channel through all these digital platforms to your potential clients.

What is the right type of content for your trade?

There are different types of content services available to cater to different business needs. These include

Website content

Any prospective client will go through your website to understand your business, achievements, top employees and more. Hence, if you are a registered conglomerate, you must have a website designed which gives all necessary information to a possible client so that he can decide how useful and profitable your business can be for him and his needs.

Nowadays, businesses are using sections of their websites or even new websites for recording and exhibiting expressions of various people over a particular topic. These websites are called blogs or weblogs. You can choose to start a blog section in your existing website or even a new website for blogging on your new services or products and get inputs from your customer, employees which can turn to be useful information for your forthcoming customers.bandw.jpg

PR Articles

If you want to highlight and publicize your top employees for their achievements, experience and for excelling in their fields, getting PR Articles published on prominent media platforms will be a great way to garner investment and get more business.

Product Descriptions

If you are a product company, creating short and crisp product descriptions can be a great way of telling potential customers about your products and their many benefits.

There are many other types of content like newsletters, whitepapers and more that you can choose to publish on your website or other digital platforms to promote your business. There are various companies today offering content writing services. Indian businesses can outsource all the hassles of content writing and its marketing to such companies. It will be their responsibility to give you quality content and make it reach those that it should. Of course, you will have the last say on what goes online as your content.


Tips for Effective Blog Writing

Today, practically every online business has a blog. This is because a blog is a great way to connect with the target audience at a more personal level and solve their problems or answer their questions. The best thing about blog writing is that it allows a lot of flexibility. You can be as creative as you want when it comes to blogs and even play around with the various aspects like the content, length and structure.

Blog writing offers a versatile opportunity for brands to promote themselves online. Blogging is also very important for SEO in a number of ways:

  • Blogs offer an incredible space for fresh content which is otherwise limited when it comes to official website content.
  • You also get opportunities for adding backlinks for other websites.
  • Blogs are widely shared on social media as well, and brands can use this to the maximum potential to connect with their social media audience.
  • Brands can collaborate with bloggers and use strategic keywords to increase their chances of being picked up by search engines.

Owing to the importance of SEO value that is attributed to blogs, generating leads for the blog becomes paramount. Here are some tips for bloggers that can help them create a blog that generates a good amount of traffic.


Despite the fact that blogs allow a lot of flexibility, bloggers still need to set clearly defined goals.  Your goals, simply put, are the results you are expecting your blogs to give you.  SEO, social media networking, pay per click successes, and lead conversion among the others are some of the goals you can set. Setting your goal can help you streamline what you include in the content.


One of the important things that make any content good is how well it is backed with facts and research.  Blog writing becomes very effective if the article or the content you put up is well researched.

Apart from that, also research on what blogging trends are going on in the industry. This will include reading up on blogging tips and looking at other blogs to understand what is popular and what is not.

Attention Grabbing Techniques

There are a number of a blogs on the web now and that is why it is very important to ensure that your blogs stands out from the others.  While excellent content is one thing that can make your blogs stand out, there is also a need for attention grabbing techniques.

Some of these attention grabbing moves include creating content in the list format, guide pages, content in the format of Q and A with experts, and incentive based articles. Another way is to aggressively promote your blog on social media with the right captions and keywords.

So these are the tips for blog writing that you can follow to ensure that your blogs get noticed and are effective. Follow these tips for ensuring that your blogging goals are met. As a brand, you can do a lot with blogging for increasing your SEO value and it is high time you explored the medium’s potential to increase your online presence.

How To know If You Need Content Creation Services?

If you are a progressive business that knows what works in the world of advertising today, then you surely know that going digital and using content to market your products and services are mandatory. For starters, no business can survive without a website or blog today, thanks to the massive influx of online shoppers. Secondly, words are powerful and when used strategically, can enhance your brand awareness, attract more website traffic, motivate your target audience to buy from you, and improve your sales. So, you think you can take care of it all? It’s great if you can, but if you can’t, marketing agencies offering content creation services can truly help. But how do you know when to call them?

  • Do you have a content team? – A content team ideally comprises of writers, copy editors, SEO experts, designers and a marketing manager. Even if a professional wears multiple hats, the above-mentioned are the roles they must play. And if your business doesn’t have that kind of manpower or resources, and your team doesn’t really know what content marketing is and how it works, it makes sense to call in a specialized content agency.
  • Is no one reading your content? – While you may get a certain satisfaction from creating your own content, if no one reads what is there on your website, blog or social media pages, it really doesn’t make sense. Because, it means that your content is not working. It probably needs a better format, structure, or heading, or maybe you need to offer better, informative and more engaging content. You might also need a better SEO strategy so that people actually find your website or blog when they search with relevant keywords. And these are things that an agency offering content creation services can take care of.
  • Is your blog almost dying? – Having a blog is a great way to connect with potential customers, but only if you can post regularly on it. Creating 3 to 4 blog posts in a month will not do it! Your readers will lose interest and probably start following others. Also, dull and meaningless blog posts won’t do anything to improve your reputation as an industry leader. These have to be full of information and should solve the problems that your audience has. And if you feel that you cannot devote the time or energy to create blog posts frequently, it’s time to ask a content agency for help.
  • Do you have a dull social media presence? – If you notice that you have not been able to attract new followers for some time, or your social media posts are not getting enough likes or shares, know that something is wrong. Maybe your feeds are boring, not engaging enough and don’t motivate the audience to interact more with you. A good content agency can help you create posts that intrigue the audience, connect with them on a friendly note, offer information and are based on varied topics. So, if your social media posts were all about your products till now, understand that it is not going to work.

So, as you can see, agencies offering content creation services do more than simply “write” for you. They create a content strategy for you, follow it up, analyze it, and tweak it to achieve your core business objectives. Hire one wisely to stay ahead of your competitors.

What’s The Benefit Of Hiring A Video Marketing Agency?

Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg coined the term ‘video first’ two years ago in 2016. The term ‘video first’ has since picked up and is now used to emphasize the importance and growth of video as a content format. If Zuckerberg’s views aren’t convincing enough for you- perhaps statistics should do the trick.

● Approximately 87% online marketers use video content.
● Nearly 1/3rd of the online activity is spent on watching videos.
● More than 500 million people watch videos on Facebook every day.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg- there’s a lot more where that came from and that’s precisely why you need to hire a video marketing agency right away. Hire a video marketing agency when you don’t have a competent in-house team. It’s as simple as that. Don’t take video marketing lightly- when done right the benefits that it has to offer are large.

Hiring a video marketing agency is a lot like hiring a content agency or an advertising agency. The reasons behind hiring one are the same- the benefits of hiring one are primarily the same. With that being said, let’s now look at three main benefits of hiring a video marketing agency:

1. Experienced: Experienced, professional, seasoned- call it whatever you want but one of the biggest benefits of hiring a video marketing agency is that you will see a degree of professionalism in their works. There’s no substitute to experience. Agencies and video production houses know how to get the work done in the best possible way. They understand the importance of quality work and timely delivery.

2. Affordable (Long-Term): Video marketing is not a short-term strategy. Sure, it can be done on a short-term basis to get results but for continued results, it needs to be a long-term strategy. And from a long-term perspective, hiring a video marketing agency makes a lot more sense financially. Video marketing agencies already have all the tools that you need to execute a strategy and these tools aren’t cheap. Moreover, most agencies ask you for your budget first and then build video strategies accordingly. The benefit for companies here is that they get to leverage certain tools for free which otherwise cost hundreds of dollars. In the long run, hiring a video marketing agency can help a company improve their ROI.

3. Informed & Unique: Video marketing agencies have employees whose sole job it is to do research on the trends and advancements in the video marketing industry. Agencies and production houses likewise know the importance of ingenuity while designing video campaigns and know exactly what works where. All of this comes down to their research efforts and past work. Hiring a professional video marketing agency means that the company will not have to waste their time and resources in finding out what works and what doesn’t. Video marketing agencies are informed and up-to-date and they know the trends inside out- a massive advantage that’s often overlooked.

Digital Content Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Digital content marketing encapsulates all the content that you see companies post online. The word ‘content’ here is a wide term- it includes everything from social media posts to video content to press releases. Digital content marketing happens online on different digital media platforms.

Traditional marketing is the marketing that most of us have been exposed to while growing up. Traditional marketing includes using media like print, TV & radio.

The rise of digital has seen a small fall in traditional marketing. Not a big fall- but a small one nonetheless. Will this fall compound in the years to come? Highly unlikely. Despite the growth and popularity of digital marketing as a whole, it’s hard to see traditional marketing fade away anytime soon.

That brings us to the next question. So why are so many companies focusing a major chunk of their marketing budget on digital content marketing and bypassing traditional marketing in the bargain?


content Marketing Strategy

Biggest Benefits Of Digital Content Marketing Over Traditional Marketing

  • Longevity: Content circulated online lives longer than advertisements. Advertisements have a short shelf-life. They run for limited periods of time on limited resources and once exhausted- they are discontinued forever. Content on the other hand, once published online, stays online. Unless you remove it of course.

  • Sharing: Anything posted online can be shared extremely easily. Most digital media platforms have an exclusive share option that allows users to share liked content with the rest of their friends online. Sharing traditional marketing campaigns in comparison is much harder- sharing the visual proof through word of mouth is difficult.

  • Customizable: In a world where no two groups of people are the same- targeting has become all the more important. Traditional marketing doesn’t allow you to tailor your messages to an individual customers needs. Digital content marketing does. It’s a very flexible marketing strategy. Using digital content marketing, marketers can target different groups with different content- content that will resonate with them.

  • Meaningful: When done right, digital content marketing satisfies consumers by providing them with information that acts as a value-added service indirectly. It’s a welcome change for consumers who are so used to being drilled by salesy messages that fill traditional marketing.

  • Cost: Digital content marketing is much, much more affordable when compared to traditional marketing. Most small businesses do not have a huge marketing budget to spend on traditional marketing. Whatever money is set aside for marketing is spent on salespeople or digital marketing- depending upon the industry in which the business is operating.

If you were to take a look at some content marketing statistics- you will see that most companies and marketers, be it B2B or B2C, are increasing their digital content marketing budget by a significant amount. And now, you know precisely why they are doing this. Read up on content marketing statistics to learn more.

SEO Content Writing: How to Use this to your Advantage

SEO or search engine optimization is the new buzz word that has taken over the marketing gamut in the past decade or so. It has become very important to keep an eye on how you optimize your visibility, digital footprint and reach in the world on online presence building. This is what will finally convert into sales. SEO content writing is an important aspect of SEO, as content is what binds and translates the actual rankings by catering to the exact algorithms of search engines. The words that you use and the keywords that you insert is what will ultimately decide how well you are able to convince your target audience to turn into your customers. So here is how you can use SEO content writing for your advantage:


  • Keywords: One of the best ways to conduct SEO content writing or to create SEO enriched content is to make use of keywords. When you put in the right short tail and long tail keywords, you are actually catering to a complex scheme of algorithms that are busy reading SEO signals. Why are these signals important? They determine your page ranking in the long run!


  • Useful Content: Creating useful content is the best way to effectively conduct SEO content writing. Study your niche and know your audience to understand where the gaps are and how you can address these with informative articles that will help them solve their issues – or at least place a call for action that will propel them straight into your list of customers. This will help in giving you an advantage within your niche, and in SEO terms as well.


  • Link Building: While creating content with SEO content writing, you would do well to remember that optimization happens when linking of pages happens internally and externally. Building links for better rankings is possible for every individual post. You can link to posts that would have related information, and you can also link to articles from other blogs and forums that would carry helpful information to further what you have covered in that article or post. You should however, take care that the external articles you are linking to, should not have the exact same information or topic that you may have covered. You would have to link to an article that further explains a certain point or aspect of your own article.


  • Analysis: If you truly want your content to work for you and build a presence for you, the important thing is to constantly analyze the same in terms of SEO tools. A back end analytics process will help you in measuring how well your article may be performing and what you can do if it is not performing the way you would have ideally meant it.

Make sure that you create unique content that is enriched before and after with proper SEO tools in place for highly effective SEO content writing – this will eventually set the tone for your brand presence.

SEO Article Writing Services: Top Reasons Why You Need This!

SEO article writing services are in large demand today due to a number of reasons. But first, let us understand what SEO articles are. SEO refers to search engine optimisation. When your content and your reach strategy is enriched with SEO properties, you basically ensure that your page ranking increases and your brand becomes a credible name in its niche. So here are the reasons why you need SEO article writing services in order to further the cause of SEO:

  • An Investment for Visibility: Brands and businesses need to remember that SEO article writing services are not a cost but an investment. When we create articles that are enriched with the help of SEO values like keywords – both long tail and short tail – as well as HTML tweaking in the backend, we are making a long term investment when it comes to our page ranking. This will eventually pay off in terms of authenticity and credibility for the brand and its ranking.




  • Impact on Buyer Behaviour: SEO article writing services can have a positive or a negative impact on the way your prospective customers and buyers behave. This will depend on whether you are using grey hat or white hat SEO techniques. If you stay away from too much keyword stuffing and concentrate on creating the kind of content that will guarantee clicks on your other articles in your campaign and content distribution or marketing plan, then you will be able to impact your buyers in a positive way. In fact, if the SEO tactics are put to use properly in the articles written for your brand, you will also manage to multiply the impact and reach in a faster and more effective way.


  • Call for Action: SEO article writing services will help you create informative articles that will also embed a call for action at the end. This helps in steering your client or customer towards actionable steps for buying your product or availing your services.


  • Fit in and Stand out: With SEO enriched articles, you can actually fit into your niche and fill a gap that the customers or target audience may be feeling in terms of a certain specific variation of the product or service. Yet, these articles will also help you stand out with a unique voice of your own so that your brand earns its identity in the vast sea of competition in the digital space. For this purpose, it is important to outsource this work to an agency that will conduct research in your realm.


  • Distribute: Whether it is social media sharing or getting your SEO articles on other influencer marketing networks. You must remember to widely distribute your content. This will help in improving the SEO signals that you give out.

The SEO article writing services must cater to SEO tactics and focus on distribution or content marketing as well so that the call for action in then articles may be followed by your readers.

E Book Writing Services – How to get it Right!

Why should you avail E Book writing services? An E Book is one of the best and most affordable ways to talk about your niche and emphasize your brand authority. With E Book writing services, you can create a book that can describe the various aspects of your products or services and the same can help the target audience in question. Here are the things you should do to write and promote the perfect E Book:


  • Research: An E Book is essentially a combination of the information available about the niche, your product or services, and your brand in general. E Book writing services will need to be based on plenty of research so that the book reflects the on going trends and predicts the future trends in the niche.


  • Information: The E Book needs to be packed with information that will enlighten the readers and create a foundation of knowledge for people who are interested in that niche. For this too, plenty of research will have to be conducted and the thoughts will have to be well articulated.


  • Entertainment: Along with information, you will need to package the E Book in way that is entertaining. You would do well to take on the services of a visual director or graphic designer so that you are able to present the information in an entertaining way which is fun to read. This will ensure that the reader has something to look forward to.


  • Design: This brings us to the design aspect of the E Book. Most e books have a specific format that can be put into place with the services of a graphic designer. Further, the layout, design and cover design of the book will need to reflect high design ideals and a certain theme as well. The design is something that will help in hooking the reader and turning him or her into your potential customer.


  • Promotion: You will have to promote the book so that people actually buy it and download it. If you simply write a book and put it on your website, you cannot reach out to people and hence this would be a dead investment. You should promote the book with ads, blog posts, and articles along with social media campaigns so that people are directed towards the book. Further, at the end of the E Book, you will also need to embed a call for action so that people can get in touch with you to further their association with your brand.


  • Distribution: Use emailer campaigns, your blog, your website, and even services like Kindle to upload your book or to send links for download to your customers and prospects.

E Book writing services should help you in setting your market credential at an all time high. Along with content, you will also need to focus on the creative aspect and the distribution and promotion of the product. This is something that can spread awareness about what your brand is all about.

Content Creation Agency – Why You Need to Choose The Best

A content creation agency is one where you can expect to find a number of solutions for your online branding and marketing needs. This one stop shop provides clients with all the content that can power the visuals and the pages that they maintain online. Choosing the right content creation agency is of utmost importance because the message you send out to your audience will need to articulated with a number of considerations in mind. So here are the reasons you need to choose the best content creation agency for your digital marketing needs:

  • Articulation of Brand Values: The content creation agency that you sign up with needs to first of all understand the niche you are operating in. You may want to check the niches that the agency is already familiar with. The client list will help you understand this in a better manner. When the agency is able to understand the industry and the gap that you are trying to fill as a unique brand, it will get easier to articulate your exact message to hook your target audience.

content Writing


  • High Quality Content Values: The content creation agency needs to have high quality content values as this what will ultimately help your brand stand out in the vast ocean of competition. The content should not merely be high quality, well articulated, SEO ready, but also different from what the rest of the competition is doing.

  • Research Based Process: To bring in the above two features seamlessly, the best content creation agency would typically embed a research function into the content creation process. This would ensure that you do not replicate anything that is being said by your competitors, and you create your own touchpoints based on what is working well for competitors in your niche. At the same, the research function will need to ensure that the agency knows everything about your niche so that the articulation happens on a seamless basis.


  • SEO Centric: The best content creation agency would also factor in the use of keywords with a focus on technical writing. This agency would be able to handle all kinds of content creation starting from website content to E Commerce descriptions, and even blog posts, articles, social media posts along with video scripts and more. This is the kind of variety that would be offered by a diverse team handled by the best agency.

So before you sign up for the services of a content creation agency, it would be worthwhile to have a look at the work they have done for other brands so that you are able to gauge the efficacy of the content that has been created.

Affordable Video Marketing for your Brand

Building a brand presence in the digital scheme of things may not seem as expensive as print or other modes of offline media – at least in the very first glance. But a deeper study will reveal that the same cost has to be replicated across various social media channels and various targets in terms of demographics on a much more frequent basis. Why? This is to ensure that your content is always on top of timelines and it is visible despite the large and unmanaged ocean of brand information and marketing available out there. To stand out in the face of the competition online, the expenditure can run pretty high. And the biggest cost usually comes from video marketing. So how can you create an affordable video marketing plan for your brand? Take a look at these tips:

  • Create affordable videos: The first step of affordable video marketing is to create affordable videos. You need content that will stand out – but not in your overall budget! For great content, you can always hire a freelancer who will put together some good visuals and create a story for an affordable video marketing Also, you will need to bring in a content writer or a script writer who will add the necessary script and text to the video. This will create proper touchpoints that will help in converting leads into customers.

Video Marketing


  • Smart Distribution: Once you have created your videos, there are a number of affordable video marketing channels that you can explore for distribution. YouTube, Vimeo and Daily Motion are some of the most visible places where you can distribute your videos. Ensure that you have a proper channel where you describe what you do, and then publish your videos with all the right keywords and hashtags on a frequent basis – think of it as visual blogging! Having a channel on YouTube and other such social media platforms will not cost much and you can regularly create or curate videos for affordable video marketing.

  • Invite Videos: You can also ask your customers to send you their videos when they unbox your product or with reviews for your services. This way, you can regularly publish videos at almost no cost at all for affordable video marketing. Also, you can create a collage of bytes for all the videos you collect this way for a monthly or quarterly round up of customer happiness that you would have spread!

Before you look into video marketing, it would be helpful to know the audience that you are catering to. You should do a proper analysis based on demographics so that you video speaks their language and solves their core issues with your brand.