How SEO Content Affects Your Organic Rankings On Search Engines?

Let us take you through a brief journey of SEO. SEO was introduced in the early 2000s and its objective was to bring your site on top ranks on search engines like Google and Yahoo. It was in the rudimentary stages at the time and obviously the rules were not laid out clearly.

The Era of Black Hat Strategies and Search Engine Manipulations

The Search Engine Optimization agencies tried everything in their capacity to manipulate the search engine rankings to bring their clients’ site on top. Basically, these sites didn’t deserve to be on top for those search terms. The established businesses suffered as a result and the search engine users were also frustrated.

For example, the user is looking for a travel agency in San Francisco on Google. But, the travel agencies suggested by organic search results turned out to be agencies based in UK and Egypt. What these agencies did was to hire an SEO agency, which manipulated the search results through spamming and brought their clients on top.

Bad User-Experience on Search Engines Due to Black Hat

Many a times, fly-by-night companies appeared on top of Google, pushing the established brands down the search results. It was clearly a manipulation of search engines. A lot of articles and backlinks were created by SEO agencies to achieve such kind of rankings and the search engines were not ready to filter such websites according to their quality and relevancy.



Many SEO agencies used black-hat strategies such as a spinning a piece of content into hundreds of different articles, which made no sense. Sometimes, they were not even readable by humans. These articles were created for search engines to trick the results, but soon the search engines woke up to the issue. Google introduced algorithm updates like Panda and penalized most of the websites that were trying to trick the search engine. As a result, such sites lost their rankings overnight losing all their credibility.

Google Slaps Panda on Black Hat SEO

Soon, SEO agencies also woke up to the new situation and started compensating for the loss. In some cases, they were able to recover the lost rankings, while in some other cases the sites could never regain their actual rankings.

Post these updates, SEO articles are written very carefully. Practices like article spinning have completely been disappeared since then and agencies have started hiring quality writers, so that relevant content can be written not only for the search engines but also for the intended audiences.

Google’s Ranking Factors

There are certain ranking factors that Google has introduced and these factors include the time spent by the visitor on a particular piece of content or web page. If a visitor bounces off from the page within a matter of seconds, it signals that the visitor didn’t find the web page relevant to their search query. If the content is written for the sake of content and it doesn’t add value to the user, they will soon bounce off from the page. Google takes it as a negative signal and drop its rankings.


Final Thoughts

It is therefore necessary that you should hire an SEO article writing services that offers quality content. Content should be written for humans and not for search engines. In order to rank high, the content should be created to engage your audience and resolve their queries.

How To Leverage Content Marketing To Grow Your Business?

Earlier content was created to feed the hungry search engine monsters. Lots of content was created with the targeted keywords and published randomly across the web. When Google algorithm updates such as Panda were announced, many of the sites were penalized, as they used content which was not only plagiarized but also low quality.

Content Marketing is not Article Marketing

It was the death of low quality content but not of article marketing. Today, when SEO and content marketing are in the process of merging together, the emphasis is again on creating quality content. The only difference is that it’s no more about random article marketing. Content is created to address the pain-points of a particular buyer persona and to answer their queries according to their stage in the buying cycle. The objective is very clear and content is created to keep the sales funnel active.

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Content That Feeds Your Sales Funnel

These days, content is used to feed the sales funnel. Customer engagement, brand loyalty and sales are the ultimate objectives of any kind of marketing. So you must choose your content marketing India services carefully.

Maintain an engaging tone

Hiring a competitive content marketing service will make sure that the content is written in an engaging tone and is free from grammatical errors. Content should be easily digestible and should contain the terminology that your reader is familiar with.

Do Some Research About The Pain Points of Your Audience

A brief research should proceed before you start writing an article. It will make sure that you are not beating a drum in the wilderness with no one to listen to you. Research the pain-points and popular queries of your readership before you sit down to write an article. Make sure that the answers you provide are logical and add value to the lives of your readers.

Learn The Basics of Writing For The Web

Selection of tone and voice is extremely important as it determines that the visitor is going to read further. Make sure that you marketing agency provides quality articles to feed your content marketing and digital marketing campaigns. Writing for the web is quite different from academic writing and your agency must be familiar with the basic rules of web writing.

While writing for the web, the first paragraph is extremely important. You should mention your key message that you are going to give through your article in the first paragraph itself. The reader must know beforehand what he is going to learn in the article. It will increase the chances of the reader to stay on the page and read further.

Final Thoughts

In academic writing you hardly make any effort to engage or entertain the reader, whereas in web writing you must try your best to engage your audience right from the first paragraph. If your first paragraph fails to convey your message, the reader is less likely to go further and the entire purpose of creating content will go down the drain.

Some Tough Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Content Marketing Agency

People say content marketing is effective, but very few people actually know how to implement content marketing in the right manner. Many people across the world view content marketing as an activity where you keep on churning out new content in different formats and distribute that on social media and other platforms. This is the most identified practice of content marketing worldwide, however it limits its scope to article marketing.


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The Common Recipe of Content Marketing

As a matter of fact, most of the experts and so called gurus acts as mere copycats of the innovators and industry leaders in this field. People attend seminars and webinars on content marketing, read blogs, and watch videos and the common recipe they find everywhere is:

A. “Create content” and “distribute” it on different platforms, so as to maximize its outreach.

B.  Repurpose the content and publish it across different platforms to maximize the return on investment on creating each piece of content.

C. Share this content on your social media properties.

This is what most of the people have understood so far, not to mention some so-called content marketing agencies mushrooming in every part of the world. Folks, content marketing is not limited to these practices. In fact, this is just the “phase #1” of it.

How to Implement Content Marketing?

Content marketing is quite different and you need to understand its circuit diagram. Joe Pulizzi of Content Marketing Institute is working very hard to spread the word about content marketing and how it should be implemented in the right manner to achieve your business objectives.

Driving the desired customer action is at the core of all content marketing campaigns. If you are unable to drive the desired customer action then all your content marketing efforts would go waste. In order to create a content calendar and brainstorm topics for your content pieces, you must be familiar with your buyer personas.

How Important are Buyer Personas and Buying Cycle?

Once you have clearly understood and defined your buyer personas, it is time to create content for each buyer persona. You need to perform some research as to what your buyers are actually looking for and what are their pain points. In your content, you can address these pain points and solve their pertinent queries.

When you do it consistently, people will flock towards your blog. Your blog acts as the main channel of communication with your audiences. Next, it comes to different stages of buying cycle. A person at the last stage of buying cycle i.e. conversion — doesn’t need the kind of content a person needs at the introductory stage. So, for each stage of buying cycle, you need to create different content pieces. The purpose is to move the customer into the next stage of buying cycle. Feed your conversion funnel with content marketing. With each conversion, content marketing becomes measurable.

How to Find the Right Agency?

Approach the best content marketing agency that understands how content marketing is implemented. Ask them questions like—

  • Do you know about buyer personas?
  • Do you have any plans to create content according to the buyer personas and different stages of buying cycle (especially with reference to my own product and services)?
  • Can you create a calendar, containing content topics to meet all those objectives?

If your content marketing agency responds to these queries in a satisfactory manner, give it a nod to go ahead with your project.


SEO India: Are You Ready to leave a Digital Footprint?

If you are busy promoting your brand, then you must be well aware of the fact that you need to leave a footprint on the world wide web as well. This includes a complex of techniques and content apart from blogs and social media pages. In short, this is something that we term as SEO. In India, SEO has evolved to a great degree and virtually every business now feels the need to get online and make a mark while there. So what all goes into SEO India? Have a look right here to decode the SEO game!



Your Website: The main address where you park your brand is your website. Your website needs to be well optimized in terms of SEO tools like the back end HTML, the names used for saving the images used, the meta data, the keywords, page titles and many other such factors. SEO India will depend not only on unique content but on the technical values that you have accorded to your website for smooth conversion on Google’s algorithms.

Know your Audience: The next important thing when it comes to SEO in India is to know your audience. This includes doing a lot of research on the websites of your competitors with an analysis of their conversions and keywords as well. This is an important SEO tool as the analytics here will help you plan your content and SEO process in a much better way. Even if a brand in your niche is not your direct competitor, but one of the topmost in the industry, it would help to take a look at their analytics so that you know what kind of buzz to create.

Look Outside: Do not merely look at your own website and blog when you are busy creating your digital footprint. It is equally important to leave a footprint on other forums too. Do regular research on what is being published in your niche forums and communities or groups on social media. Remember to comment and leave your thoughts with your links on the threads. Make sure that you do not leave irrelevant spam type messages. Say something only if you have something meaningful to contribute to the thread, and when you know that your link will be helpful.

Look Inside: Link building does not merely have to be an external exercise. Google also recognizes something called interlinking of pages. This means that you interlink various sentences to other posts in your blog or your other web pages. This also promotes good SEO in India and other parts of the world as well.

When you are indulging in SEO, you must remember that content is one of the most important tools when it comes to legitimate brand building online. Remember to craft your SEO plan on the basis of a strong editorial calendar so that your content actually resonates and brings people back again and again. This will promote recall value as well.