How To Leverage Content Marketing To Grow Your Business?

Earlier content was created to feed the hungry search engine monsters. Lots of content was created with the targeted keywords and published randomly across the web. When Google algorithm updates such as Panda were announced, many of the sites were penalized, as they used content which was not only plagiarized but also low quality.

Content Marketing is not Article Marketing

It was the death of low quality content but not of article marketing. Today, when SEO and content marketing are in the process of merging together, the emphasis is again on creating quality content. The only difference is that it’s no more about random article marketing. Content is created to address the pain-points of a particular buyer persona and to answer their queries according to their stage in the buying cycle. The objective is very clear and content is created to keep the sales funnel active.

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Content That Feeds Your Sales Funnel

These days, content is used to feed the sales funnel. Customer engagement, brand loyalty and sales are the ultimate objectives of any kind of marketing. So you must choose your content marketing India services carefully.

Maintain an engaging tone

Hiring a competitive content marketing service will make sure that the content is written in an engaging tone and is free from grammatical errors. Content should be easily digestible and should contain the terminology that your reader is familiar with.

Do Some Research About The Pain Points of Your Audience

A brief research should proceed before you start writing an article. It will make sure that you are not beating a drum in the wilderness with no one to listen to you. Research the pain-points and popular queries of your readership before you sit down to write an article. Make sure that the answers you provide are logical and add value to the lives of your readers.

Learn The Basics of Writing For The Web

Selection of tone and voice is extremely important as it determines that the visitor is going to read further. Make sure that you marketing agency provides quality articles to feed your content marketing and digital marketing campaigns. Writing for the web is quite different from academic writing and your agency must be familiar with the basic rules of web writing.

While writing for the web, the first paragraph is extremely important. You should mention your key message that you are going to give through your article in the first paragraph itself. The reader must know beforehand what he is going to learn in the article. It will increase the chances of the reader to stay on the page and read further.

Final Thoughts

In academic writing you hardly make any effort to engage or entertain the reader, whereas in web writing you must try your best to engage your audience right from the first paragraph. If your first paragraph fails to convey your message, the reader is less likely to go further and the entire purpose of creating content will go down the drain.