Digital Content Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Digital content marketing encapsulates all the content that you see companies post online. The word ‘content’ here is a wide term- it includes everything from social media posts to video content to press releases. Digital content marketing happens online on different digital media platforms.

Traditional marketing is the marketing that most of us have been exposed to while growing up. Traditional marketing includes using media like print, TV & radio.

The rise of digital has seen a small fall in traditional marketing. Not a big fall- but a small one nonetheless. Will this fall compound in the years to come? Highly unlikely. Despite the growth and popularity of digital marketing as a whole, it’s hard to see traditional marketing fade away anytime soon.

That brings us to the next question. So why are so many companies focusing a major chunk of their marketing budget on digital content marketing and bypassing traditional marketing in the bargain?


content Marketing Strategy

Biggest Benefits Of Digital Content Marketing Over Traditional Marketing

  • Longevity: Content circulated online lives longer than advertisements. Advertisements have a short shelf-life. They run for limited periods of time on limited resources and once exhausted- they are discontinued forever. Content on the other hand, once published online, stays online. Unless you remove it of course.

  • Sharing: Anything posted online can be shared extremely easily. Most digital media platforms have an exclusive share option that allows users to share liked content with the rest of their friends online. Sharing traditional marketing campaigns in comparison is much harder- sharing the visual proof through word of mouth is difficult.

  • Customizable: In a world where no two groups of people are the same- targeting has become all the more important. Traditional marketing doesn’t allow you to tailor your messages to an individual customers needs. Digital content marketing does. It’s a very flexible marketing strategy. Using digital content marketing, marketers can target different groups with different content- content that will resonate with them.

  • Meaningful: When done right, digital content marketing satisfies consumers by providing them with information that acts as a value-added service indirectly. It’s a welcome change for consumers who are so used to being drilled by salesy messages that fill traditional marketing.

  • Cost: Digital content marketing is much, much more affordable when compared to traditional marketing. Most small businesses do not have a huge marketing budget to spend on traditional marketing. Whatever money is set aside for marketing is spent on salespeople or digital marketing- depending upon the industry in which the business is operating.

If you were to take a look at some content marketing statistics- you will see that most companies and marketers, be it B2B or B2C, are increasing their digital content marketing budget by a significant amount. And now, you know precisely why they are doing this. Read up on content marketing statistics to learn more.

Digital Content Marketing for Optimum Visibility

If yours is a small or medium sized business, then this article is just for you! Digital content marketing is a term that you must have often heard in today’s digital marketing climate. When it comes to promoting your business, the digital world can be the one filled with greatest opportunities – yet, the challenges are also many. Digital content marketing is a reasonably priced vehicle that you can use for such campaigns, but making your brand stand out in the sea of similar businesses and brands can be quite a challenge. So here are the ways in which digital content marketing can be used for gaining optimum visibility:

  • Audience Targeting: To begin with, you will need to ensure that you have chosen the right audience to target in the digital content marketing To find this audience, your marketing research has to be on point in terms of the demographics you are targeting. In keeping with these findings and insights, you will be able to create the right kind of content that will serve as answers to their most frequently asked questions and problems. In this way, the content that you distribute will hit the right note and fill a gap or need in the market.


  • Ideas and keywords: Another important part of the research that you will have to do for digital content marketing, includes keywords and ideas for topics. These should be unique in terms of the subjects that you tackle, yet the keywords will have to be taken from the most popularly used in that niche. This is like striking a fine balance so that the content reaches the right place when someone searches for the exact topic that has been tackled. Yet, there should be a unique twist in the way the topic has been tackled.

  • Entertain and Inform: These are two sides of the same coin when it comes to content creation and distribution. You should create content that presents relevant information in the most entertaining way – whether it is blog posts or videos – for your target audience.


  • Outreach Strategy: When you create content, there is no point in holding on to it by posting it only on your pages. You will need to put this content on various channels so that the right audience may be able to see it. Remember to a mapping of various channels so that you have a fool proof outreach strategy.

The digital content marketing process for your business or brand has to be a well thought out one that will take a small business to a medium scale, and a medium business to a larger scale. This is the main crux of content marketing.