Demystifying the Best Search Engine Optimized Article Writing Services

Search engines use keywords from content to determine a website’s relevance when it comes to ranking. The implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to tune a website or web page intended to increase its ranking with search engines. Updating elements as well as content within a site will affect its ranking.


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Recently, article writing services offers content that is search engine optimized. Great writers write compelling, relevant and useful content, one that will be best for your site than any other SEO best practice. They create content that is designed to reach your target audience while making the content organized to be easily read by spiders and accessible to search engines.

Additionally, the best article writing services offers freshly created content that affects a pages’ or sites’ ranking since it is seen to be new info. They provide good content that is regularly updated and bring users back to your site and thereby provide the ability for search engines to consistently crawl your site.  The content typically includes selected keywords that appear in the content of the page. Remember that most of the time only the abstract will be visible for search engine. So writers make sure that they use the keywords in the abstract, they use keywords that appear once and preferably 3 to 4 times in a text of 200 words. They bear in mind to write for their readers, making sure that the text is readable, and made it clear for Google (and readers) that the keyword is the subject of your article.

However still, keyword-rich content or having relevant keywords in your site or page will increase rankings with search engine. The relevant keywords are words that may be industry terms or words that are commonly used by an individual who search in the internet. It is not essential to duplicate keywords in your content or throughout the page in hopes to attain better rankings. Actually, if done too much it can negatively impact a page’s rank.

At the same time, the page title, which is the text that is displayed at the very top of your browser, is also displayed in search results. Having relevant keywords in your page title will help in increasing your page rankings. Doing this will help achieve consistent keywords for indexing and decreases confusion with readers who navigates your site. How? Preferably start the title with the selected keywords, given that words earlier in a title will get more value and make the title descriptive.

In addition, using descriptive anchor or “link” text will help users determine where it is that they are linking to. Usually, a user can use the page title that he is linking to if he is unsure. Having links that read “click here” or something like this that is not descriptive can even confuse users. It is not helpful to spiders when indexing your site content. This is because there is no potential keywords to describe the location that the link will send the users to.

Effective Website Content Writing Services that Engages your Target Audience

As a start-up content writer or a business owner, you’re already aware that your target readers and customers are the lifeblood of your business. And that’s why it’s imperative that you effectively engage with them. Unfortunately, not all companies or business owners are responsive of the importance of engagement with their customers. However, the successful ones are mindful of the fact that customers want to interact with their circle, with industry experts, with their peers and learn something of value, learn something new and innovative.  This is easy and attainable thanks to information technology.

Blog Writing Services


It’s been proven over the years that content is a vital component that will attract and retain your customers. Good thing engaging your readers is an easy task. How? You may start checking guidelines in copywriting, undergo writing training courses from top web content writers in the industry, or tap web content writing agencies. But if you want to do it on your own or start listening to that little voice that says “I am a prolific writer” here are some tips to help you get started and keep these principles in mind:

Know Your Audience

First, ask yourself “who is visiting my site, what motivates readers to visit your site, and what desired actions do you want to keep them to do, what would make them keep wanting more from you. All of your online platforms’ – website, social media and mobile – copy should be written with these considerations in mind. You should write your message that targets a particular audience. Know where they come from – age, location, the day and time they are online, and interests among others. Then give them the information they need. At the same time, include a very specific call-to-action (CTA) to guide or influence them to what you want them to do. It may either keep on reading, subscribe, tap you or even buy your product.

Avoid The Temptation To Over – Communicate

Secondly, keep in mind that reader is likely to have a few key pieces of information they’re looking for. Find out what these are. Your primary goal in writing content should be to give your user relevant information quickly. Additionally, consider using bullets to make your key points and use links so readers can easily find more in-depth information if and when they want it.

Writing Style Counts

Thirdly, your choice of words, tone or voice, imagery and sentence structure – in short your writing style is an important aspect of how readers perceive your company, brand or product. Because of this you have to make sure your writing style fits your readers and should be consistent all through other communications.

Lastly, check this Youtube video on Creating A Style Guide & Voice and get achievable strategies you should remember before you write anything.

Social Media Content Writing: Finding the Right Words to Say to Your Community

When companies adopt social media as part of their communications channel and marketing strategy, they often hit the dead end when faced with what to talk about. To prevent this, marketers and writers should include the broad themes and specific topic designed to engage the readers. It is imperative to identify the sweet spot between the company’s brand existing or target expertise as well as the interest of the readers.



Effective social media content writing entails determining the relevant topics, themes, and types of media you’ll be sharing. It’s also crucial to lay it all out in an easy-to-read editorial calendar. This is because it will provide you with something tangible for you to track what content is being published or launched.

Company owners should also organize an editorial team or tap an agency that has an experienced editorial team with experienced content creators. Invest on bringing on a dedicated writer or two that will provide you with a steady stream of high-quality content.

A combined good writer with a subject-matter expert will result to a meaty and engaging content. The editorial team typically brainstorm what to share in social media and look at any inspiration than social media channels themselves. They may even tap your staff or colleagues who communicate with customers on a daily basis as this would provide excellent insight for them. They will also tap your customers directly to create content that will better connect you to them and bring you closer to like-minded prospects. They will also tap your sales team about the kind of information that closes deals and what the competitors are doing. This they can easily translate into content. They will also ask your customer service reps to know what are the weak points are in your products or services and marketing materials, all of which will help them create a blog post with the top troubleshooting tips and shoot videos with the support team answering actual customer questions. Moreover, these content writers will follow your Twitter and other social media platforms for them to be able to know the minds of your target customers. They will even join industry LinkedIn Groups to gather source of content ideas. They may also follow industry news sources that would provide them perspective into many industries that will be used as jumping off points for your content. Throughout their research they discover keywords in web analytics that will drive significant traffic to your social media channels.

You may also tap content producers for your social media content creation endeavour. These specialists add value to everything your editorial team creates. They know how to shoot videos, edit podcasts, design a presentation or design an ebook.

Suffice it to say, it is good to invest on social media content writers that produce a wealth of high-quality content that maps out what content you will be needing and repackage it for diverse channels to tap your target customers.